Direct Care Worker Competency Information


Welcome to the Silver Lining online training program that will help to brush-up on your current skills and offer information to learn new skills.  It is important to read each module because future exams will include questions from each of the modules.  This information will help you become a better Direct Care Worker.

What is a registry?

What Services DCWs are Allowed and Not Allowed to Provide?

How to Communicate with Silver Lining:

How to Put on Elastic Stockings:

Alzheimer’s disease:

Below are some common difficult behaviors that you may face when working with Alzheimer’s clients:



What Is Dysphagia?

Signs of dysphagia include:

The Connection Between Dysphagia and Dementia:

Treatment for Dysphagia:

10 Ways to Make Meals Easier With Dysphagia:

Struggling to Swallow and End-of-Life Care:

What are bedsores?

What causes bedsores?

What are the stages of bedsores?

How are bedsores diagnosed?

How are bedsores treated?

Can bedsores be prevented?

What is a TIA?

TIA Risk Factors:

Warning of Future Strokes:

Facts about Falls:

What Can Happen After a Fall?

What Conditions Make You More Likely to Fall?

What You Can Do to Prevent Falls:

Do Strength and Balance Exercises:

Have Your Eyes Checked:

Make Your Home Safer: